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  • Available Committee Positions | ISLTA Junior Branch

    WE NEED YOU. The Junior Branch Committee is made up of parents who volunteer their time to plan, organise and run the Saturday morning competitions for junior players across the St George and Sutherland Shire areas. Our Competition Secretary has stepped down and so we need someone to step up to help. Can you help? Yes, We need you! The Junior Branch Committee is made up of parents who volunteer their time to plan, organise and run Saturday morning competitions for junior players across the St George and Sutherland Shire areas. Our Competition Secretary has stepped down and so we need someone to step up to help. Can you help? The role includes: Checking emails and replying accordingly Capturing scoresheets for the Results Recorder Setting up each new competition (twice a year): Collecting team details from coaches Entering team and player information into database Compiling requested team grades Compiling team contacts for the Rule Book Preparing the semi-finals and finals draws. The role only requires approximately two hours' commitment per week, with some additional time when setting up each new competition, of which there are two each year. You may even like to find another parent to share the role with. An honorarium is paid to cover expenses. The Committee meets on the fourth Monday of each month, usually at the Rockdale Tennis Centre club house (over the bridge) but sometimes meetings are held over Zoom. If you feel you can help, contact Junior Branch President, Grahame Ross, on 0423 487 584 or . The Committee members are very grateful for any help that can be provided as we want to continue providing enjoyable and challenging competitions for our junior players.

  • Committee and Contacts | ISLTA Junior Branch

    JUNIOR BRANCH COMMITTEE MEMBERS PRESIDENT Grahame Ross Mobile: 0423 487 584 Email: COMPETITION SECRETARY Email: RESULTS RECORDER Email: PREMIER GRADE CO-ORDINATORS Linda Abbott: 0 466 432 959 Kylie Roberson: 042 66 321 66 Sue Weston: 0431 636 465 Email: A - C GRADES CO-ORDINATOR Stuart St Baker: 0415 177 166 Email: VICE PRESIDENT Carmela Savoca Email: COMMITTEE MEMBERS Grahame Ross (0423 487 584) Carmela Savoca (0434 238 204) Linda Abbott (0 466 432 959) Kylie Roberson (042 66 321 66) Sue Weston (0431 636 465) Stuart St Baker (0415 177 166) Committee and Contacts: List Committee and Contacts: Image

  • Rules & Draw Blue Book | ISLTA Junior Branch

    RULES AND DRAW Competition Rule Book and Draw (A, B & C Grades) Premier Grade Rules Premier Grade Draw Rules for Matches Played Without a Chair Umpire Etiquette Tennis Australia Regulations and Code of Behaviour Team Adjustment Form Suburbs Included in Competition Premier Grade Result Sheet Result Sheet

  • Forms | ISLTA Junior Branch

    FORMS RESULT SHEETS Result Sheet to be used only in the event that Match Centre is unavailable for players to record their scores Umpire Score Sheet Team Adjustment Form RULE BOOK Competition Rule Book and Draw (A, B & C Grades) Premier Grade Rules REGISTRATION For coaches to register their teams and players : Team Registration Form (coaches to complete) . Read more . Player Registration Form for independent teams that don't have a coach or for players who need a team. Read more . All players must have a Tennis Australia 66333 number to play. Register on Match Centre . Tennis Australia requires that players update their Competitive Player Profile on Match Centre and link their profile to their UTR. Players should visit to register for their UTR. Players must email their 66333 Tennis Australia number, together with their name and surname, to .

  • Wet Weather | ISLTA Junior Branch

    WET WEATHER What to do in the event of wet weather: Call the court telephone number or the team's website to ascertain if court is playable (on safety grounds) If the court is likely to be playable or it is uncertain if play can go ahead, players must proceed to the court where a decision will be made up to 30 minutes after the scheduled start time The home team must email the Results Recorde r if play doesn't go ahead Optional : teams to email the Results Recorder the names of players who were scheduled to play Court locations and contact details Alternatively, refer to the Competition Rule Book and Draw (A, B & C Grades) Tennis Australia’s Extreme Weather Policy

  • Team Registration Details for Coaches | ISLTA Junior Branch

    Information for coaches - how to register your teams FOR COACHES - HOW TO REGISTER YOUR TEAMS Registration for the Summer 2024/2025 Competition is now open. The Competition starts Saturday 19 October. Match Centre has been a huge success and is now in place for the recording and collation of competition results. To be eligible to play in ISLTA - Junior Branch competitions, each player must be Match Centre registered and have their own Tennis Australia 66333 number. To submit your teams for our Saturday Morning Competition, coaches should complete the updated Team Registration Form and email it to by Wednesday 23 September 2024 . Players and teams will then be graded and the draw prepared. When completing the updated form , please enter one player per line. Enter all your teams on the one form. You will also need to add team details, including: Centre name; Address; Centre contact name and number; Court number/s that matches will be played on. Details for each Team Manager/Contact are also required; this is so that other teams can make contact regarding: Wet weather/washed out matches; Advise of forfeits; Request assistance when substitute players are required. Competitive Player Profile and 66333 number - manda tory Coaches must ensure that all players in every team have a Tennis Australia Competitive Player Profile and 66333 number, which can be created by registering at Match Centre . UTR - mandatory All players must also be UTR-registered. Players can link their UTR from their Tennis NSW Competitive Player Profile . If they don't have a UTR they can register at Alternatively, they can link through from their Tennis NS W Competitive Player Profile . To ensure the incidence of forfeits is reduced, it is recommended that each team has three (3) players. To ensure your player grade suggestions are as accurate as possible, we strongly recommend reviewing each player's previous results over the course of their most recent competition as well as their UTR. In order for us to grade the players and teams, prepare the draw and communicate all the details before the start of the Summer 2024-25 Competition, we ask coaches to email the completed spreadsheet to by TBC. If you require assistance completing the updated Team Registration Form or have any questions, please contact our Competition Secretary on: .

  • Court Locations & Draw | ISLTA Junior Branch

    Court locations, team contact details and draw COURT LOCATIONS, TEAM CONTACTS, DRAW AND KEY Click on the links below to view and download documents Court Locations and Team Contacts Draw for A and B Grades All players must have a Tennis Australia Competitive Player Profile (66333 number) from Match Centre AND be UTR-registered. Register now at Match Centre . You must also link your Tennis Australia Competitive Player Profile to your UTR. If you don't have a UTR visit Key Result Sheet Rule Book

  • COVID-19 | ISLTA Junior Branch

    COVID-19 Our tennis competitions are being played with a COVID-19 safety plan in place as directed by Government guidelines. In order to keep us all safe as well as to avoid the risk of being issued with fines, all players, parents, coaches and spectators are required to always follow Government guidelines, including but not limited to, social distancing, using hand sanitiser and the cleaning of surfaces. Players – no handshakes, fist bumps or high fives and instead use racquet taps. Please regularly check this page and the ISLTA JB Facebook page for updates on any changes to playing and spectator conditions. If a player is feeling unwell please arrange for another player. If you have had a positive COVID-19 test, please urgently contact ISLTA JB and/or your coach. COVID-19 Plan

  • Keep Updated | ISLTA Junior Branch

    Keep Updated Subscribe to Illawarra Suburbs Lawn Tennis Association - Junior Branch's mailing list to receive updates on Saturday morning competitions, representative tennis, tournaments and other relevant news. First Name Surname Email Mobile I would like to be kept updated and agree to ISLTA - JB storing my details. I understand that ISLTA - JB will never share my details with any third party, unless legally required to. Register to be kept updated Thank you for subscribing to our mailing list.

  • FAQs | ISLTA Junior Branch

    FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS WHAT IS THE ISTLA JUNIOR BRANCH? The Illawarra Suburbs Lawn Tennis Association (ISLTA) - Junior Branch is a not-for-profit entity and is run by volunteers, mostly players' parents. Our main focus is to organise tennis competitions to support junior players. ✅ A, B and C Grades are offered ✅ Premier Grade (expressions of interest can be emailed to ) ✅ Premier, A and B Grades are UTR events ✅ Representative tennis ✅ Need a coach or a team? Click here ✅ The competitions are played across both the St George and Sutherland Shire areas ✅ Follow our ISLTA JB Facebook page and islta.jb on Instagram for updates WHAT HAS RECENTLY CHANGED ABOUT THE ISTLA JUNIOR BRANCH? A number of new members have recently joined the ISLTA Junior Branch Committee . The Committee is excited to advise several changes and improvements to the competition, including using Match Centre as our results recording platform for all grades. Premier, A and B grades have been run as UTR events since our Winter 2021 Competition. Keep an eye on the ISLTA JB Facebook page and our new Instagram account, islta.jb for updates. WHAT IS A UTR? UTR - Universal Tennis Rating - is a global rating system, which is supported by Tennis Australia , that provides a single, objective, consistent and accurate measurement of skill level for tennis players for all ages, geographies and gender. A player’s UTR is a number between 1.00 and 16.50. Premier, A and B Grade competitions are UTR events . All players in these grades must therefore be UTR-registered . Don't have a UTR? Register now and create your profile at . Once registered, please send an email with your name, surname and suburb and with "UTR Registration " as the subject line to: . HOW CAN I ENTER THE SATURDAY MORNING JUNIOR UNISEX COMPETITION? We recommend completing your details on our Keep Updated page to be kept informed of our competition details. You can also like our ISLTA JB Facebook page where we publish all our updates. All players, including reserves, in all grades must have a Tennis Australia 66333 number to play. Registering on Match Centre for your Tennis Australia 66333 number is simple and fast to do. Register now and then complete your Competitive Player Profile and activate your UTR from your profile. This is a Tennis Australia mandatory requirement and will allow players to record their results directly to Match Centre . Premier, A and B Grade competitions are UTR events and all players in these grades must therefore be UTR-registered . Don't have a UTR yet? Register now at . HOW DO I CHECK WHICH SUBURBS ARE INCLUDED IN THE COMPETITION AND HOW CAN I FIND A COACH? All suburbs across both the St George and Sutherland Shire areas form part of the Illawarra Suburbs Lawn Tennis Association - Junior Branch (ISLTA - JB). Here is a list of the suburbs included in the Competition . If you need a coach, here's a list of coaches who currently enter teams in the Saturday Morning Competition. WHAT IS THE FORMAT FOR PREMIER GRADE AND HOW CAN I BE CONSIDERED FOR SELECTION? Premier Grade is different to our other grades. Premier Grade teams and the individual seedings are selected by the Committee. There are six teams with five seeds in each team. Every week four players play against their equivalent seeds, with specific seeds having specific weeks rostered off. E xpressions of interest can be emailed to . Prospective players are invited by the Committee to trial. After the Premier Grade trials (existing highly-seeded players are not required to trial) the Committee decides seeds based on players' trial results as well as previous results data. Regrettably not all players who trial can be selected but reserves are always welcome. Premier Grade - Learn More A TO C GRADES - SUBSTITUTION PLAYERS In the event a player is needed to fill in for your team please send an email to the Results Recorder to obtain permission. See Rule 14 on page 13 and Rule 24 on page 19 of the Competition Rule Book and Draw (A, B & C Grades) . See the substitution player section on the second page of the Result Sheet . HOW DO I SUBMIT MY TEAM'S RESULTS? BOTH TEAMS MUST email the scanned or photographed Result Sheet to the Results Recorder . Results must be received by no later than 7pm on the day of play. Please ensure that the following details are clearly filled out on all A - C Grades Result Sheets : Date Team names Each player's name and surname Correctly completed score and winning team name Both captain's signatures Good sportsmanship nomination - optional Please be aware that only one warning will be issued for late results, after which, for every incidence of late submission, penalties may apply, including – but not limited to – a draw being recorded and the points shared between the two teams. Premier Grade Result Sheet A - C Grades Result Sheet WHAT DO WE DO IN THE EVENT OF WET WEATHER? In the event of wet weather please call the court telephone number listed in the Rule Book to ascertain if court is playable (on safety grounds). If the court is likely to be playable or if it is uncertain, players must proceed to the court where a decision will be made up to 30 minutes after the scheduled start time. The home team must advise the Results Recorder if play does not go ahead. Optional : teams to advise the Results Recorder of the players who were due to have played. Competition Rule Book and Draw (A, B & C Grades) I HAVE OBSERVED GOOD SPORTSMANSHIP - WHO DO I TELL? ISLTA Junior Branch rewards good sportsmanship with our Good Sportsmanship awards. And your nominations count! Rewards are in the form of prizes given out at the end of each comp (summer and winter) at the Finals presentations The ISLTA – JB Committee is keen to promote good sportsmanship as a way of recognising players who demonstrate a positive attitude and good sportsmanship. Anyone witnessing g ood sportsmanship can nominate a player/s. Email your nomination/s to: , including the player details and reasons for the nomination. Possible reasons for nomination: Being polite to players both on and off court Calling the score in a loud and clear voice Helping the opposing team in all things related to tennis e.g. attentive as a ball person. I HAVE SOME PHOTOS I'D LIKE TO SHARE Send your best action shot photos to: . These will be shared to Instagram account: islta.jb . Some may also be used on our website. Don’t forget to include your name and surname when emailing your photos. WHAT IS THE COMMITTEE AND HOW CAN I JOIN? The ISLTA Junior Branch Committee is a volunteer group of players' parents and other interested members. The Committee manages the registrations, organises the draws and collates the results. Committee members make several important decisions involving the competition and ensure everything runs smoothly, including but not limited to, holding Premier Grade trials and selecting and player seedings as well as grading the teams in all other grades. New members are always welcome. To join the Committee please contact: 0423 487 584 OTHER QUESTIONS? The Rule Book should provide all other information, however, don't hesitate to contact us if you do have any questions.

  • Home | ISLTA Junior Branch

    Illawarra Suburbs Lawn Tennis Association (ISLTA) Junior Branch Tennis provides competitions including Saturday Morning Unisex, UTR competitions, Interdistrict and Challenge Cup. Home: Welcome 1/10 COMPETITIONS SATURDAY MORNING JUNIOR UNISEX (A & B GRADES ARE UTR EVENTS) Would you like ](or if a parent/carer your child) to play tennis in an enjoyable but challenging competition? Illawarra Suburbs Lawn Tennis Association - Junior Branch (ISLTA - JB) runs two Saturday morning competitions throughout the year; one in summer and the other in winter. Illawarra covers both the St George and Sutherland Shire areas . Contact us and like our Facebook page to be kept informed of details and updates. Learn More PREMIER GRADE UTR COMP Premier Grade is a UTR competition. Players of all ages from the St George and Sutherland Shire areas who are of a suitable standard as well as maturity will be considered. Learn More REPRESENTATIVE - CHALLENGE CUP AND INTERDISTRICT ISLTA Junior Branch is proud to support opportunities for players to represent the Illawarra area: Challenge Cup Interdistrict Learn More ISLTA JB COMMITTEE The ISLTA Junior Branch Committee is made up of parents and other interested members who volunteer their time. The committee members are dedicated to ensuring your child has a positive and fun experience playing tennis. New members are always welcome. Don't hesitate to get in touch if you'd like to be involved. We welcome new members joining and helping to run the competitions - it's so incredibly rewarding. Join t he Committee Contact the Committee NOTICES AND INFORMATION News ISLTA Junior Branch Facebook page ISLTA (Main Body) website Notices and Updates ABOUT US ISLTA Junior Branch endeavours to create opportunities for young tennis players in the St George and Sutherland Shire areas. Our competitions allow players aged 19 and younger to compete in a friendly yet challenging environment. Read More COMPETITION DRAW AND LOCATIONS Saturday Morning Competition court locations, team manager contact details, draw and key. Details SUBMITTING RESULTS BOTH TEAMS MUST submit the correctly completed Saturday Morning Competition Result Sheet (see below for links) to the Results Recorder ( ) by 7pm on the day of play. Premier Grade Result Sheet A - C Grades Result Sheet Umpire Score Sheet In the event of wet weather , the home team must advise the Results Recorder if play does not go ahead. Optional: teams to email the Results Recorder the names of players who were scheduled to play. Competition Results CONTACT US Committee Members - Roles and Contact Details I would like to be kept updated about ISLTA - JB competitions and other relevant news and therefore agree to ISLTA - JB storing my details. I understand that ISLTA - JB will never share my details with any third party, unless legally required to. Submit Thank you for your message. We'll be in touch soon. Home: Contact

  • News | ISLTA Junior Branch

    LATEST NEWS For other news and information see Notices READ MORE New email address for our Results Recorder : Use this email to submit your results by 7pm on match day on the updated Grades A - C Result Sheet Printed copies of the Competition Rule Book and Draw (A, B & C Grades) are now available – contact your coach or tennis centre for your copy The Rule Book and Result Sheet are also available on our Forms page

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